Looking at the world today, it seem that all hope have left this little blue planet of ours.
Attempting in seeking for a ember of hope my faith gives me some. But the teachers of my faith snuff it out before it could catch alight. There is hope! Where you may ask? This wild fire of hope have its origins also in faith.
If we look through the glasses of the media, politics and even Social media. We only see racism, hatred, violence the list can go on. But what it don’t give you is hope, all that you see is the evil in the world. But through the glasses of faith in the all Mighty God the picture change completely. You see embers of life’s being changed. People giving truck loads of water and grass for drought stricken towns, students gathering across colour and race lines to pray for their country.
A great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a sound of gentle stillness and] a still, small voice. (1Kings 19:11-13)
The God of love is blowing with a small whisper over the ember of hope, he’s starting the wild fire in our country and the world. It so small that we can miss it in the storms, earthquakes and fires of the evil one. The prince of darkness is running scared.
What are we to do? What actions should we take? Is the Prince of peace working in a new why? and are we his children ready for it?